Conference: Ripper Letters to the Press and Police

The following are conference topics relating to the famous letters written to the police and media at the time of the murders purporting to have been written by Jack the Ripper.


Message Received: Thursday, February 8th 1996.
From: Tom Saupe

One can of worms you may want to open is the one letter, the Lusk letter, which is still considered to be possibly written by the murderer. The sides are pretty evenly split and the debate rages on. Start a good arguement on the net!

Mail Reply to Tom Saupe

Post Reply to Conference


Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:05:45 -0700

At this late date it would be impossible to determine if ANY of the letters atributed to the ripper are real. However if I had to pick the most likely to be genuine, it would be the "From Hell" letter.

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Stephen P Ryder